Friday, January 13, 2006


Talk about 180 degrees change overnight. Second day out driving through the Cotswolds was even more beautiful. Sunny, clear blue skies with a few patchy white fluffs....oh it was gorgeous. I could not wipe the smile off my face the whole morning.

Until the bird appeared and made me all paranoid.

There I was, cruising down at 50 miles/hr and enjoying the scenery on the way to Stratford-upon-Avon...this exotic looking red-feathered animal darts out of the bush and headed straight for my wheels! Kamikazi! Aaahhhhhhh! I let out a scream in the car but continued to drive at 50 miles/hr. With my heart pounding in my ears, I looked back at the rear mirror and the darn thing was running back into the bush, back the same way it came from. Maybe it decided there were too many cars behind me that it would die a miserable, messy death being run over so many times. Eewww. Not nice.

I had a sudden impulse to stop the car and go back and pick the darn thing up by the neck and scream down its throat, "What the hell did you think you were doing?" Then I thought I must have been really bird-brained to have even thought about stopping the car. Sigh.

So about the darn thing. It was a lovely animal. I said it looked exotic? It was a bit of a chicken, a bit of a turkey and a bit of a peacock. Shiny red feathers and a long neck. Yes, I found out later today that it could have been a PHEASANT. The car hire receptionist added with a chuckle that I could have had myself a nice dinner. Hmmm. Game anyone?

Now I am on a mission to find a picture of this pheasant-looking animal to show yas. :)


At 11:01 PM, Blogger sPuTneeK said...

That was a hilarious (albeit risky) encoutner with the feathered kind. Reminds me of the peacock masquerading as a stray cat/dog in the Phuket hotel that refused to budge from our table expecting to be fed. They don't call 'em bird-brained for no reason. Heh.

Btw, keep up the blogging! :)


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