Saturday, December 31, 2005


Oh, kinda regretting I didn't get the flu vaccine this year. It's bad , really bad this time. Haven't been this sick since a loooong time ago. Copious amounts of yellow and green snort (even some blood strains), headache, fever, hacking cough. Ok, ok...far too much detail.

I attribute this partly to the heatiness of the churros and thick hot chocolate I had in Spain? My coughing and sneezing roommate? If not, it must just be the darn winter.

But I am going to get better. Because it's New Year's Eve tomorrow ! And I have made plans to be in London for a great night out. Good thing I lost some of that tummy in the last 2 days. Not much of an appetite so only had minimal food and drink. Hee. Sickness works on our side sometimes.

Oooohhhh....but I am so sick of lying in bed. Tossing and turning. Need to rest but body's aching. And hair's pulling. You know, those irritating symptoms. I've cancelled 2 night shifts, meaning 500 pounds gone. Ouch! Will make that up after the New Year's, I think.

Tried to watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" but fell asleep. Woke up now to "Chicken Run" on TV. Maybe I'll go borrow Solomon's (the 2 year old I live with) "Finding Nemo" or "The Magic Roundabout". Oh I am getting desperate.

I want my Korean Drama Series !!!!!


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